A Ricchigia is located at the slopes of the Etna Volcano and it offers, to the Italian and international
markets, natural food products deeply rooted in sustainability, for decades.
‘A Ricchigia’s strength is artisanal processes and the highest quality of raw materials, such as the
Bronte’s Pistachio P.D.O. and Sicilian Almonds, much of them come from the family firm, specialized in
production and trade of Bronte’s Pistachio and dried fruits, for over fifty years.
A Ricchigia was born thanks to the will and stubbornness of a woman, Laura Lupo, an entrepreneur in insurance services who, two years ago, bet on the idea of bringing to national and global markets the products of her land, transformed into sweet and savory delights for sophisticated palates in search of authenticity.
The Vision of ‘A Ricchigia is offering products with pistachio, and other high quality dried fruits, made
with only natural ingredients and PDO, processed according to traditional techniques and dedicated to
customers who care about taste, tradition, and authenticity.